Company News and Relevant Articles

Be up-to-date with the trends in your industry, follow our blog and learn about the latest news about Software Development, IT, R&D, Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC), Building Information Modelling (BIM), Project Management & Team Collaboration, Documents & Workflow Management, Digitalization and Automation.

Company News and Relevant Articles

Be up-to-date with the trends in your industry, follow our blog and learn about the latest news about Software Development, IT, R&D, Architecture, Engineering, Construction (AEC), Building Information Modelling (BIM), Project Management & Team Collaboration, Documents & Workflow Management, Digitalization and Automation.

"Цената вече е второстепенна, водещи стават услугите"
October 27, 2021

"Цената вече е второстепенна, водещи стават услугите"

Изпълнителният директор на Немечек България Георги Брашнаров бе сред основните участници на конференцията за пазара на недвижимите имоти BalREc.

"The future is full of unexplored opportunities"
April 23, 2021

"The future is full of unexplored opportunities"

"Change is inevitable. It should not be feared but embraced by building companies, investors and property managers," asserted our General Manager George Brashnarov.

Future of Design 2020
November 25, 2020

Future of Design 2020

Какво се случи в първото онлайн издание на нашето традиционно събитие Future of Design.

Nemetschek Bulgaria at the “Digital Transformation in the Construction Industry”
June 22, 2020

Nemetschek Bulgaria at the “Digital Transformation in the Construction Industry”

Our product manager Kosta Varbanov spoke at the “Digital Transformation in the Construction Industry” Webinar Series.

BIM at ETEM Facade Conference 2019
November 21, 2019

BIM at ETEM Facade Conference 2019

We were among the participants at the ETEM Conference, held at Sofia Event Center on November 16th 2019.

Световно признание за Vectorworks и нашите колеги от Немечек България
December 01, 2017

Световно признание за Vectorworks и нашите колеги от Немечек България

Облачните услуги на Vectorworks печелят в категория Cloud Based Technology.