General policy

General company policy


1. General Information & contact details

Nemetschek Bulgaria as an entity and some of our responsible employees are collecting certain information about you – our customers, prospects, partners and future employees to provide information about our services, products, events, campaigns and vacant positions and to personalize your experience with us. We do it through our websites, products or at events when you directly give your information to us. Your privacy and the secure storage of your data is of high importance for us, so we want you to be informed what data do we collect, how do we processes it and how do you have a control over it.

Please note that Nemetschek Bulgaria is an authorized Data Administrator, certified by the Commission for Personal Data Protection, and is acting as a Data Processor within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation. Here is detailed contact information:


  • Nemetschek Bulgaria
  • Street: 11 Industrialna str.
  • City: Sofia
  • Tel.: +359 2 42 109 00
  • E-mail: о[email protected]

The following person has been appointed as data protection officer:

2. Personal data collection & privacy


2.1. General website access data

By using the information on the website or filling out our contact/registration/application/subscription forms, you agree to the terms in this policy. However, if you do not agree to them, unfortunately you will have to stop using the website, as we will be unable to provide you further information, according to the General Data Protection Regulation.

When you’re browsing through our website, we’re collecting general technical information, such as IP address, referring website, your behavior on our website (pages that you visit, duration of your navigation etc.), browser type and settings, country and language, operating system. The collected data allows us to improve the content and your experience on our website, to identify technical problems, to deliver a content that is relevant to you. However, these details doesn’t allow us to impersonate the user, so that he/she stays anonymous.

For these purposes, we’re using cookies (small text files stored in your browser) and web beacons (images that allow us to count visitors who accessed a certain page on our site). We’re using this data until you clear the cache of your browser. You can do it anytime you want. To learn more about it, you can read our Cookie policy page.

Our website uses Google Analytics tracking & analysis tools and Google adwords. These are services provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”), which are meant to help us understand your behavior on our website and on google search engine and provide you with relevant information. These tools of Google also use “cookies” to collect this information. Again, it does not allow us to impersonate the user. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using our website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

2.2. Personal Entry data

This is the data that you voluntarily provides when you’re filling out some of our forms. It could be the contact form, an event registration form, request a demo form, subscribe form, job application form or a query we’re processing. We’re using the provided data to answer your questions, invite you to a relevant event, deliver a demo, send you relevant information about our products or services, inform you about vacant positions or for other purposes that you have agreed upon data collection. We store it up until 2 years. After such time, we will either delete or anonymize your information or, if this is not possible (for example, because the information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your information and isolate it from any further use until deletion is possible.

The same is applicable to the cases when you’re giving us your data at events, either by exchanging business cards, or stopping by our booth, or filling out a physical form of ours.

You may request at any time that we stop sending you emails and other communication by clicking the button “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the messages we’re sending to you or by contacting us via email.

Application documents

When you submit an application to us (either online or via e-mail), we collect and process your personal data relating to your application, such as your name, phone number and e-mail address, as well as the documents you had attached (letter of application, curriculum vitae, certificates, or other educational diplomas and qualifications). It is important for you to know that your personal data will be processed and shared only with people inside our company who are responsible and involved into the application process. In some cases, it might be shared to our international partners who lead the project you’re giving your application for.

Your personal information will be stored in our systems for 3 years after the application process has ended. This does not apply if storage for a longer period is required for the purposes of providing evidence, or if you have  agreed to have your data stored for a longer period – for job vacancies in the future, for example. Once an applicant sign a contract of employment with us, the data provided will be stored for the purposes of the employment relationship in compliance with the legal requirements.

Partner services

In the cases when you had given your consent to a company we’re working with (such as medias, events organizers, service providers etc.) that your data could be shared with 3rd parties, we may use your data to send you relevant information about our products, services, events or vacant positions. Of course you can opt-out any time, by clicking the button “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the messages we’re sending to you or by contacting us via email.

3. Security, Privacy and Sharing

Your data is being stored on servers within our office premises.

Privacy & Sharing

Your data is shared only within the company and to certain employees, relevant to the purpose of your data collection. We do not share your contact with 3rd parties, unless you had explicitly agreed.


In some cases we share your data with our partners, when you’re giving us your job application. This is because they might be involved  into the hiring decision process.

Indirectly we might share data by uploading it into systems we’re using to store or process the data, such as Trakstar, MailChimp, Hubspot, CRM applications etc. These systems has their own security and access control, so that only authorized person from our company can view the information.

We might share information we collect with affiliated companies and, in some cases, with prospective affiliates.  Affiliated companies are companies owned or operated by us. The protections of this privacy policy apply to the information we share in these circumstances.